Admiral Sleestak
This site is dedicate to parodying the real lizard in the PA Senate race.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sestak Doesn't Take the High Road

Joe Sestak declined an opportunity to take the high road.

The PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW reported that at an event yesterday, Sestak was asked if he would endorse Arlen Specter, should Arlen be the victor in the May 18th primary.
"If you lose" the Democratic primary against Sen. Arlen Specter on May 18, Everhart asked Sestak yesterday, "will you endorse Sen. Specter?"

Sestak, citing Specter's answer to the same question a few days ago, declined to say. In an increasingly bitter contest that, according to one poll, is dead even, the closest he came to the cause of party unity was saying the likely Republican nominee, Pat Toomey, "must be defeated."

This is a question that's going to come up a lot. Joe could have tried to be the bigger man with a definitive "yes" (and so could Arlen), but Joe's the one touting his honor and pretending to take the high road. Also, Joe was aware of Arlen's answer several days before, and couldn't come up with something better.

Is Joe pondering a run as an Independent 3rd party candidate? I'm not sure if the PA ballot rules permit this after one has lost a Primary, and Joe would have a tough time getting the necessary signatures. Joe is quite the slippery eel and doesn't give up easily, especially if he has the opportunity to damage the Democratic party chances.

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