Admiral Sleestak
This site is dedicate to parodying the real lizard in the PA Senate race.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sestak Invents New Cure for Insomnia

The poor little cat clicked on a link to one of Joe's "Sestak Stories". These are character stories about Joe told by members of his family. The latest one from one of his sisters was so dull, I couldn't even make it past the 30 second mark before I felt my brain functions starting to shut down.

You see, Joe Sestak doesn't have any significant endorsements (other than his pal, Eric Massa). Joe already has 3 siblings on the payroll at $3,000/month (while he underpays the rest of his campaign staff). Now Joe has roped in two other sisters and his dear, sweet, gray-haired old mother to tell personal stories about Joe.

After about 30 seconds of bio, the mother tells a story about how when Joe was a kid in school, he jumped in and stopped a delivery truck that was rolling down a hill towards a playground. It's a nice story, but it hardly qualifies Joe to vote on complex legislation in the Senate. It's a nice story to tell her friends over a hand of Bridge, but it is fluff in a US Senate race.

The problem with Joe is that he's all image and very little substance. Joe's not running for High School class president. He's nearly 60 years old, he served 31-years in the Navy (in case you hadn't heard), he's running for the US Senate, and yet he needs his 85-year old Mom to tell some story about him as a kid? Will there be a sequel where she mentions that he "always ate his vegetables"?

There is less that two weeks of this nonsense left. I feel like a kid who's been on a long trip and I'm at the "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" stage.

12 more days until this jackass gets off the stage.

1 comment:

  1. David,

    There is nothing about this terrific post that got close to putting me to sleep!
